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Team Bios

Laurence Redpath

I am a Biochemistry major from Weston, Connecticut. I am interested in computer science, which is why I take computer science classes without being a major in it. Outside of academics I row for the Connecticut College rowing team.    

Luke Karis

I am a Computer Science major from Cambridge, Massachusetts. I enjoy coding and creating graphical components for virtual applications. When I am not working on school work I play club soccer, and lead the Connecticut College Democrats as Co-President.

Julia Dearden

I am a Computer Science major and English minor from Freeport, Maine. I am part of the Ammerman Center for Arts and Technology, a member of the CS SAB, a TA for CS 110, part of the reading committee for WE, and a member of the club lacrosse team.


Sean King

I am a Computer Science and Economics double major with a Math minor from Pasadena, California.  I am a TA for COM 110. I enjoy working on cars when I am home in the summer and programming during my free time.   I play varsity water polo here at the college.

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